Friday, April 8, 2011

Misery loves company, and when you can not be strong yourself, the next best option is to try and make others appear weak. Let’s take a look at the latest flier sent by the IAM and you can see what I mean. Never mind, it's too stupid to post. But read on and you will get the just of what it said.

The IAM whines that this new Tentative Agreement allows for the elimination of the “20% outsourcing limit language.” I disagree. Eliminate is much too soft a word. I propose we have a giant weenie roast with a good bon fire and celebrate by burning this language during a huge party. Just think, we can invite the over 10,000 furloughed mechanics that this crappy piece of BS did not protect. It all sounded comforting and warm, but so does a coffee enema. With both, you wind up with crap all over yourself and an empty feeling inside. So much for job protection.

Another great fallacy, is that the Teamsters are not really ready to battle outsourcing? Awwww, come on? Does the IAM really want to go there? Vendors are nothing new, and neither is the rest of that antiquated language that did not protect us. The IAM ignored this threat for many agreements, and now they want to blame others for their miss-steps in allowing us to be in this predicament. When we figured it out they pointed their fingers at AMFA and said it was them. Now they say this is the fault of the IBT. Really?

Yes, we replaced many of the corporate and vendor favored agreements in this new contract because the old stuff simply was not working. Think about it? IAM language has even allowed the American aircraft building giant Boeing to fabricate major portions of their planes overseas. One has to ask, does the IAM even realize there is a problem with outsourcing? Do they know the dangers of sending work to other countries?

The long standing dilemma with the IAM is their refusal to change. We all remember this as the number one reason for dumping them in the first place. “Look IAM, your cruddy antiquated language did not work then and it will not work now. We need a new progressive contract if we are to get through this time of continuous outsourcing. We need the knowledge and experience of the Teamsters."

The language in the Teamsters agreement at the former Continental Airline should allow all the proof we need that this type of forward thinking does in fact work. While the rest of the trunk airlines lost Mechanic jobs to vendors, only Continental showed increases in the amount of work brought IN to the airline and they began hiring more Mechanics. Recovering work can continue through both United Airlines maintenance collective bargaining agreements, and we too can finally see the recall of our friends. The real threat to the IAM is that our new contract will work for us.

The IAM sits back and throws stones while their own contract talks are at a standstill. "IAM, shouldn't you be taking care of your membership?" Our brothers and sisters who work on the Ramp, Stores, and as Customer Service Agents would surely appreciate it if you just got back to work. These groups too have suffered long enough through your mountainous BS psycho babble.

It is time for the IAM, and the Association to take off their rosy colored goggles and enter the real world. We are in a tough fight. By sticking together and ignoring the rhetoric of useless politics, and with real protection language along with strength of the IBT, we can gain ground and eventually win this fight to save our jobs. Talk with your family and friends and ignore the crap being put out by the other two groups. Remember, they both failed us once before. In the end, no matter what you decide, please just vote with your heart, and your intelligence.
