Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ballots go out April 27, 2011

The IBT steering committee began these negotiations with the hope of updating and changing many parts of our old and vulnerable collective bargaining agreement. The merger between United and Continental has added even more need to improve virtually all areas of the contract, which has resulted in a Tentative Agreement with a large amount of new language.

As a result of the many changes and the feedback we received during the informational meetings, it quickly became evident that the membership would need more time than usual to study and familiarize themselves to the important modifications to this Tentative Agreement. It is our intent to give the membership enough time to look over all the changes, ask questions, receive answers, and finally vote this contract in a manner that will best benefit each of them and their families.

A third party company will manage all aspects of the printing and distribution process. They will be assisted by another independent election services firm that will oversee the actual mail out, collection, distribution and tallying of the ballots.

The mailing of the ballots and information should begin by April 27, 2011, and the count will take place on May 26, 2011.

The negotiation committee urges each of you to look closely at your ballots, study allthe considerable changes, and most importantly, VOTE.

Your Negotiating Committee