Saturday, February 27, 2016

Special Update

Today, in a continuing and powerful display of solidarity at airports across the country, United Mechanics protested and passed out information to passengers in front of United’s ticket counters.  The message reflected in our 93% NO vote is clear; this substandard proposal is an insult to our craft, and is completely inadequate.  We will not rest until an industry leading agreement is in place for United’s Mechanics.  The time is NOW for this company to deliver on the many promises they have made to make us industry leaders in every aspect of our collective bargaining agreement. 

On the heels of this forceful display of member power and driven by disdain for United’s bad faith bargaining; this afternoon, Airline Division Director David Bourne directed attorney Nick Manicone to hand deliver our request for release from mediation to the NMB.  The company made it clear in November that they would negotiate no further and refused counter proposals from the negotiating committee.  This is the very definition of an impasse, and we demand that the National Mediation Board exercise its legal responsibility and release us. 
On Tuesday, March 8th we will take our message directly to investors of United Airlines at the J.P. Morgan Aviation, Transportation and Industrials Conference in New York City.  This conference will bring together over 500 corporate leaders, financial sponsors, and institutional investors from over 70 companies.  United Airlines will be first on their agenda that morning and we intend to welcome them.  We will conduct an information picket beginning at 7:00am to make one thing crystal clear; that a strike at United is imminent unless they change their ways.
We request that all local unions send staff and/or members on lost-time to join the picket.

People should arrive by the evening of Monday, March 7th and plan to stay until the afternoon of Tuesday, March 8th.   Hotel details will follow soon.