Monday, June 2, 2014

UAL Mechanics Dispatch - Week Ending May 31, 2014

Meeting in Chicago 
On May 28th and 29th the parties met in Chicago for the purpose of further understanding the economics of the respective proposals. However due to concerns brought up on the Chief Steward's call the week prior, there were broad issues that needed to be addressed. The Chiefs expressed concern that on the sub UA side there were still major implementation items that were causing frustration. Similarly on the sub CO side there appeared to be a reinterpretation of old and settled language. The 28th was dedicated to discussing these issues along with proposed solutions by the IBT. The morning of the 29th the company addressed several of the concerns that were brought up the day before. While there was no single agreed upon solution, it was agreed these issues are serious and they will be addressed in a parallel track with the ongoing negotiations.  
The afternoon of the 29th was spent discussing open proposals. It was clear that the full committee would be needed to advance these discussions. The parties agreed that the full committee would meet for the full week of July 7th.  
Sometime after the meeting in July, and before the August mediated session, the steering committee will meet to discuss what has transpired.

Arbitration Update 
The Resource Utilization letter arbitration case is scheduled to continue on June 26th in Newark. The ORD Data Center case was postponed and will be heard on November 6th. The APU grievance was withdrawn without prejudice meaning it can be refiled. The ORD Tool Room arbitration scheduled for June 4th was moved and a discharge case has taken its place. When the new date is agreed upon it will be reported in the Dispatch. The sub CO Medical grievance will continue on August 5th and 6th. The sub UA Medical grievance will be heard on September 8th. If any of these dates change it will be reported in the Dispatch.