Monday, May 13, 2013

Mechanics Dispatch - Week Ending May 10

The week was very busy for the subcommittee meetings involving benefits including medical and pensions. J.J. Johns from the Benefits committee was brought in to assist in the benefits talks between the parties last week and continued assistance in this week’s round. His history, experience, and knowledge in medical and other benefits related issues were welcomed by the committee. Meetings over all this week progressed closer to some agreements, but there are still many unresolved areas. These union subcommittee meetings were assisted by Cheiron actuaries Gaelle Gravot and Jim Holland and were facilitated by Pat Sims from the NMB.
The parties continue to make progress and the discussions will continue the week of May 13th in Chicago.   
Seniority Committee

Representatives from the Seniority Committee met with the company on Wednesday to discuss plans to create the new seniority list. Julianne Cooney, UA Senior Analyst - Labor Relations, and Mark Prpich – UA Labor Relations were on hand to discuss the many issues and concerns in combining the three lists in to one. The two member union committee will assist Julianne next week in creating a comprehensive accurate list which will be available for review should the negotiating committee reach a tentative agreement.