Friday, February 15, 2013

Negotiations Update

This week the parties met in Chicago to round out Phase 1 – (non economic) reconciliation talks. We are on schedule at this point and have discussed every article in the Phase 1 agenda. Other than a few remaining reconciliation issues that may have room for some further discussion, Phase 1 of the process is nearly complete. The credit for the success of this first stage goes to the subcommittee groups of both sides who with the help of senior mediator Pat Sims and the NMB were able to outpace the language writers for this course of action.
Next week in Chicago, a small group from the Teamster committee will focus on constructing and tightening language to reflect the agreements reached in committee discussions. This language will then be available for analysis, review and edits by the entire committee the following week prior to moving forward. During this final week in February, the parties will also have the opportunity with the assistance of the NMB to attempt to reach agreements in principal on the few remaining outstanding Phase 1 issues before the process moves to Phase 2.
The process of Phase 2 is expected to begin on schedule in early March. In Phase 2, we will discuss all the components of the economic portions of the agreement including pay, job protections, and benefits such as pension and medical options. There will also be discussions on any of the Phase 1 language we could not agree on carried over in to Phase 2.
In anticipation of economic discussions, this week the negotiating team was introduced to economist Dan Akins. Dan has worked closely with Dr. Jim Kimball, the IBT’s Director of Economics and Research as well as the Airline Division.  He brings his 30 years of experience as an airline economist to assist the committee in the negotiating process and has built his distinguished career working primarily for organized labor. Dan has a deep appreciation and understanding how airline companies operate and negotiate. His area of expertise and assistance will come in the form of dissecting the financial data requested from the company and offer suggestions moving forward. 
During the week a small subcommittee met with Cheiron, to discuss health care options. Chieron is a highly regarded full-service financial analysis and actuarial consulting firm located in Chicago and has dedicated two of their top rated actuaries, John Colberg and Gaelle Gravot to assist the Teamster negotiating committee with the benefits process.

Data provided to the actuaries was created by the benefits committee.   The actuaries from Cherion will take the data along with additional data requests from the carrier and provide recommendations to the Teamster benefits subcommittee.  

Cheiron and others will help to ensure that the subject of our benefits do not become “incompacilated.” This made up word was created during one of our long breakout sessions that generally describes the tendency of some company officials who attempt to dilute our expectations. The committee will remain diligent to ensure a watchful eye for these types of actions and will create other words to describe them as needed.
The committee is very appreciative and would like to express our thanks for the support and guidance we have received from the various in-house and outside individuals and firms that have been brought in to assist in these discussions.
Committee Member Health Report
The negotiating committee is pleased to announce that the latest conversation with Allen Cosides finds him on his way to recovery. Allen suffered a heart attack recently which has him sidelined for the time being. Today, Allen and his wife were able to get outside for a bit of fresh air. We will keep him involved as much as possible while he recovers and look forward to his return as a helpful part of this committee.  Our special thanks goes out to all who offered assistance to Allen and who have kept him in your thoughts and prayers.